Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Leafy greens, leafy greens everywhere!

Voltámos da passagem de ano. Bom 2013 a todos!

Continua tudo na maior. Tirando o pequeno erro de ter deixado uma folha da alface colada a uma pedra, continua tudo com bom aspecto. O alho recuperou da falta de àgua e já enviou um espigão substituto. Os bróculos e as couves continuam a crescer bem, O espinafre está a começar a desenvolver as folhas. A iceberg e os coentros continuam a arrebitar, lenta, mas inevitavelmente.
Outro membro do clã Mateus-Henriques ofereceu um morangueiro para o projecto. O pobre está com aspecto doente, confesso, mas aqui no sistema VAI arrebitar. Senão como-lhe os morangos todos. ...ok, isso vai acontecer independentemente de tudo.

(We're back from the New Year's bash. I hope everyone had a great time. The garden is still looking healthy and everything is growing just fine. Except for a leaf on the lettuce that I've (stupidly, I may add) left sticking to a rock after sprinkling it with some water before leaving for the party, nothing has died. The garlic survived the previous water shortage and the bit that was drying out was already replaced by a new one. The spinach, cabbage and broccoli are looking amazing.
In other news, another clan member has donated a strawberry plant to the project. It is looking slightly ill, but I'm confident we can make it bloom.)

Aspecto Geral / Overall look:

Morangueiro / Strawberry:

Coentros / Coriander:

Bróculos / Broccoli:

Espinafre / Spinach:

Couve / Cabbage:

P.S. Não me telefonem quando os morangos começarem a aparecer. Já temos poucos.
There's no need to call when the strawberries start popping out. We have none left.

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